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This Week's Guest is Fly Kugin (flyqueeen) and Her Experiences in Second Life.

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This week, 'Fly kugin' (flyqueeen) attended our lesson as a guest. She talked about her experiences at Second Life. She said she was a music teacher in real life. She joined Second Life about five years ago and mentioned that her goal of ​​joining was improving her English. She succeeded in learning the English language, which was her goal, with Second Life. She began to understand the meaning of Secon Life after she started making music in Second Life. She started her first music performance in 2019. In fact, Actually she just started doing this as a job. She said that establishing a business here is not easy, like starting a real business, and that it is a business that requires a process. The biggest deficiency in making music was the equipment. The biggest mistake she made in Second Life was that she started her business life in Second Life late. She participated in many groups, cultural activities were held in these groups, they organized exhibitions and concerts. She also increased her sociability and courage by joining these groups. She said it was the best way to understand second life. She recommended that we join these groups without any shyness and have this experience. One of the most important points advised us not to be shy in Second Life. Another important point is trust, of course we know, even in real life, people cannot establish trust among themselves. Firstly She met an American therapist in Second Life. She helped her learn Second Life a lot, and the American therapist said her her that you could learn Second Life not by getting information from someone, but by researching it and experiencing it. She mentioned that he didn't have much of a bad experience in Second Life. She mentioned that Second Life has a lot of advantages as well as many disadvantages and that it depends on the intended use of the person. Finally she gave us a short music show and it was very good.

In Second Life, I realized that people can start a business and earn money to survive with the business. I can say that this business is long-lasting, with people organizing their activities such as business, socializing, charity or event organization in Second Life. As someone who likes to spend time in the computer environment, I can say that it makes sense to operate in Second Life. I also understood that it is one of the best ways to meet people from different cultures and countries. In general, I can say that it is very advantageous and beneficial for people who use Second life for these issues.


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